Art Journal Prompt – List your Ideas

journal stack

Sometimes we get stumped about what to put on those blank art journal pages.  What to write?  If you are like me, I think of, or run across, good ideas all the time…but then when I sit down to work on a page, all those great ideas seem to have vanished! So for this week’s art journal prompt:

Make a page with a list of art journal ideas!  Yep. Put it right in your art journal, a list of pages that you want to do.  That way it is handy when you need that bit of inspiration!

Happy art journaling!

3 thoughts on “Art Journal Prompt – List your Ideas

    • Yes, all my journals, some are still in progress! Many of the pages are shown on this site…check the Art Journal Category. The Montana journal is here in its entirety over a series of posts. Enjoy!

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