on doing what you’re not ready to do…


“I always did something I was a little not ready to do.  I think that’s how you grow.   When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this’, and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough.”

Marissa Mayer

This is actually a picture of my husband repelling down a cliff in Colorado (I was the one with one hand hanging on to a tree branch, hanging out over thin air to take the cool picture), but it is an activity that most of our family enjoys.  My husband and I got hooked on repelling when we went on a trip to Costa Rica for our 25th wedding anniversary.  We went on a canyoning tour, which involved repelling down a series of five waterfalls (really fun part) and then climbing, climbing, and more climbing back up (not so fun).  Our guide gave us instructions on how to strap on the repelling gear and hold onto the ropes, then proceeded to give us a demonstration on a little wooden construction.  I assumed that we would all take a turn practicing on the little slope, but no!  He led us right up to the edge of a 65 foot waterfall so steep that I couldn’t see the bottom from the top.  My reaction was “Wait, I’m not ready!  I don’t know what I am doing!”  That first step going backward over the edge into nothingness was tense….but it turned out to be wonderfully exhilarating!

I have carried that experience into many other areas of life.  If we are never willing to take risks, we will not have many breakthroughs.  Starting a late in life art career was pretty intimidating, but it was now or never, and I am so glad I took the plunge!

What have you been waiting to do?

Grow Forth!

grow forth copy

It’s time!  With still chilly weather, and snow in my part of the world just yesterday, I am looking to the promise of spring.  I notice the green popping up here and there, the warmish sunny days that just get me itching for MORE!  To witness growing and warmth and blossoming and song and light in the world around me reminds me to hope for all sorts of renewal.  A better world, a hope for heaven, personal growth in so many areas… When the alive springs to life, dead wood is exposed for what it is and the challenge remains to root it out and haul it to the burn pile, making way for the new, the beautiful and lovely, to grow and flourish.  I suppose that is what prompts our urge for spring cleaning in our homes and in our lives.  This week my spring cleaning involves relocating my stash of scrapbook supplies and jumble of family photos that record so many important growth points.  How time flies!  Life is so short, and spring is upon us!  Time to “Grow Forth” and blossom into the beautiful and lovely and right and clear out some dead wood.  It’s time!


Mixed Media 2012 8 x 10 available for purchase at https://www.etsy.com/listing/121022796/imagine-8-x-10-mixed-media-print

Mixed Media 2012 8 x 10 available for purchase at https://www.etsy.com/listing/121022796/imagine-8-x-10-mixed-media-print

It is from the seed of imagination that my faith sprouts and hope endures.  If I can’t even imagine that there could be a better future, a different outcome or a hope for heaven then I am shackled to a life that has nowhere to go.   While God can certainly do more than I can even ask or imagine, I have to at least imagine that there could exist something beyond myself.  That leaves room for the unbelievable to happen, impossibilities to take root and the unexpected to blossom.  Once I make that simple acknowledgement that outcomes are beyond my prediction, and even may be beyond the reality that I know and see, I have handed over to God my assent to take it from here.  I have moved into a realm of infinite possibility.

In my mixed media “Imagine”, I portray the word as the foundation that a woman rises from with the tendrils of her hair branching out like the limbs of a tree in the directions of all sorts of possibilities, bearing bright and happy blossoms that stand in stark contrast to the somewhat dark and dismal world that surrounds them.  Because this woman could imagine, she was able to grow into unforeseen directions and opportunities.

For more about this piece visit https://www.etsy.com/listing/121022796/imagine-8-x-10-mixed-media-print?nc=1