Stick with Love

MLK quote watermark

Sharing this again.  Still such good words!

Along similar lines, I just watched the movie Belle which was inspired by a painting found hanging in Scotland.  It is the true story of Dido Elizabeth Belle.  The movie shows how Dido’s close relationship with the great-uncle who raised her, William Murray, first Earl of Mansfield and the Lord Chief Justice of Britain, influences his rulings that later led to the end of slavery in the British Empire.  It is worth a watch… or at least watch the trailer!

Hope you have a lovely day!

Sunday Scripture Coloring Page

Phil 4.5 progress

Today I chose just one phrase from Philippians 4:5, “Let your graciousness be known to everyone.”  Lately I have been very mindful of how I come across to people in daily interactions.  Do they feel like they have been washed with grace after being in my company?  I am afraid too often they don’t.  A grumpy look, or a touch of selfishness or impatience far too often undermine my good intentions.  Lord, help me show your graciousness instead of my lack of!

Haven’t gotten so far on my coloring page, but I kind of like the look of the red letters against the black and white floral design in the background.  Eventually maybe I will do some soft watercolor in the background.

Feel free to right click, and save or print this coloring page version.

Phil 4.5 copy


on Seeking and Striving by Van Gogh

“I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart.”

Vincent Van Gogh

This seems like a very good description of the creative process.  It is one of always seeking new ways of doing things, striving to do them better, or in a better way, through all of which the heart is firmly entwined.

I used this quote in my art journal.  Not thrilled with it, but it does serve to record the words, and the art journal is my “safe” place where it is okay if things don’t always turn out well!

Seeking and Striving

If you decide you would like to include this quote in your own art journal, or just use as a coloring page, feel free to right click and save or print the image below.

seeking and striving BW

Be Faithful in Small Things

Mother Teresa watermark

We may not be able to do something that we think is great, but if we do small things over and over, great things can happen!  That works for art too, I think.  Sometimes just keeping at it day after day is the best possible thing we can do!

If you would like to color your own, here is a coloring page version.  Feel free to download and print for personal use!

Mother Teresa BW watermark

Sunday Scripture Coloring Page Maze

Today’s Scripture Doodles are from Acts 2:42-47.  I finished the page up late last night…

Acts 2.43-47

Then this morning I looked at it again and thought, “this would be a great maze!” So I went back and hurriedly linked the letters in the words to form a maze.  My granddaughters loved it.  What do you think?  Do you like mazes? What is your favorite way to meditate on Scripture?

Acts 2.43-47 maze

Feel free to download and print either version for some relaxing Sunday doodles!

“And now here is my secret…”

The Little Prince watermark

“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret, it is only with the heart that one can see rightly.

What is essential is invisible to the eye.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery