Slow and Steady Wins the Studio Makeover

This tray is so handy to drop all my stray baubles into, and easy to transport to the table for a project.  I love using vintage!

This tray is so handy to drop all my stray baubles into, and easy to transport to the table for a project. I love using vintage!

Well, it’s far from finished, but it is coming along.  I have to remind myself that “slow and steady wins the race” or in this case the studio space.  My tactic is to spend a little time organizing and sorting every day that I work in my studio, a task that unfortunately does not come naturally to me.  So far, so good, and I might actually get through it all this year!  Pockets of eye pleasing organized storage are beginning to appear.  I bought a gallon of turquoise paint and if a container is not adequately appealing on its own, then it gets a coat of paint!  Amazing how much that helps things look clean!  Today, I put the last coat of paint on the floor of my “inspiration nook” area.  Can’t wait to settle in for some inspiration!

As I sort and reorganize, I’ve been looking at everything with new eyes… Is this really an asset?  Does it serve me, either aesthetically, or practically? Am I really going to get around to this project? Or, how can this be stored in a more eye pleasing way?  I’ve been really evaluating HOW I work, and it helps me figure out what needs to go where.  I’ve also had so much fun scrounging around for nifty ways to store.  Bringing out the old suitcases, wire baskets, giving old tins a coat of spray paint, I am actually having FUN with this project!

Grow Forth!

grow forth copy

It’s time!  With still chilly weather, and snow in my part of the world just yesterday, I am looking to the promise of spring.  I notice the green popping up here and there, the warmish sunny days that just get me itching for MORE!  To witness growing and warmth and blossoming and song and light in the world around me reminds me to hope for all sorts of renewal.  A better world, a hope for heaven, personal growth in so many areas… When the alive springs to life, dead wood is exposed for what it is and the challenge remains to root it out and haul it to the burn pile, making way for the new, the beautiful and lovely, to grow and flourish.  I suppose that is what prompts our urge for spring cleaning in our homes and in our lives.  This week my spring cleaning involves relocating my stash of scrapbook supplies and jumble of family photos that record so many important growth points.  How time flies!  Life is so short, and spring is upon us!  Time to “Grow Forth” and blossom into the beautiful and lovely and right and clear out some dead wood.  It’s time!